Fix SBCGlobal Email Unable to connect to server error

Fix Issue ‘Unable to connect to Server’ error on SBCGlobal Email

Overview of SBCGlobal Email

SBCGlobal Email is the combination of AT&T and Yahoo!, and they also give SBC users to access all the parts of Yahoo and they combine in 2003. SBCGlobal was founded in 1882. They offer several features like installing and backing up emails, support for a new interface, spam blocker and many more. It is one of the most admired service providers in the country. The SBCGlobal provides facility to sign-in through Yahoo by using sites such as Yahoo! Groups, Flicker and Yahoo! Instant Messenger.

Now, we discuss how to fix SBCGlobal Email ‘Unable to Connect to Server’ Error 

If the user account is not connected properly with SBC server then an error of unable to connect to server due to incorrect settings of the server or some error with setting it up with the email client application. If you are using Yahoo! mail with SBCGlobal, the server address is using SSL on port 93.

SBCGlobal Email POP3/IMAP Settings:

POP3 Settings: Inbound server –
o   Port – 995
o   SMTP server –
o   Port – 465
o   SSL required – Yes
o   User name –

IMAP Settings: Inbound server –
o   Port – 993
o   SMTP server –
o   Port – 465 or 587
o   SSL required – Yes
o   User name –

Steps to fix the SBCGlobal Email Server Issue

Step 1:-
In the first step, you have to restart your computer or phone through which you are accessing your SBCGlobal email account.

Step 2:-
Now, verify all the settings correctly and make sure that SSL box is checked otherwise you found the error.

Step 3:-
See the Server settings and also you can update. If the user using a POP server, then type (port465) and for the SMTP server, type (port993).

If these steps cannot resolve your issue so you can go for the administration help of SBCGlobal where you get instant solution of your issue.


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